The MAX Automation share


Security identification number (WKN) A2DA58
Stock exchange abbreviation MXHN
Share class  No par registered shares
Number of shares in issue 41.24 million
Notional par value 1 Euro
Free float share 15.3%
Segment Prime Standard
Indices CDAX
Designated Sponsors Pareto, ODDO BHF


*The presentation of shareholdings is based on the provisions of § 40 WpHG with respect to the publication of the voting rights notifications of our shareholders with a share of more than 3 percent.
The last notification is dated January 8, 2025 and refers to the day of the threshold touching communicated by the shareholder.

Shareholders with > 3 percent of the voting rights

Under the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz), holders of voting rights of a listed German company must notify that company of the level of their holding whenever it reaches, exceeds or falls below specified thresholds. These thresholds are 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50 and 75 percent of the company’s outstanding voting rights.

Voting rights announcements

IR contact

Investor Relations
Phone: +49 8080 582-75

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