Non-financial report according
to Section 315b HGB
The non-financial report according to Section 315B HGB of MAX Automation SE is based on the standard of the German Sustainability Code and provides information in a separate non-financial report about the companies listed in accordance with sections 289 a-e HGB in conjunction with Section 315 b-c HGB.
The separate non-financial report of MAX Automation can be viewed on the internet under the link and is deposited in the Federal Gazette.
In its meeting on 16 March 2021, the Supervisory Board of MAX Automation SE dealt with the structure and content of the separate non-financial report. Subsequent to detailed discussion and examination, the Supervisory Board approved the separate non-financial report of MAX Automation SE. Following the successful reorientation of the MAX Group, the Supervisory Board declared aim is to further underpin sustainability reporting with defined performance indicators in the coming years.
The auditing company PriceWaterhouseCoopers GmbH was not assigned to audit the separate non-financial report of MAX Automation SE.