Exemption from disclosure for subsidiaries
The following domestic subsidiaries exercise the right of exemption under Section 264 (3) HGB in respect of the disclosure of their annual accounts and the preparation of the management report and notes for financial year 2020:

MAX Management GmbH, Dusseldorf

ELWEMA Automotive GmbH, Ellwangen

MA micro automation GmbH, St. Leon-Rot

AIM Micro Systems GmbH, Triptis

iNDAT Robotics GmbH, Ginsheim-Gustavsburg

bdtronic GmbH, Weikersheim

IWM Automation GmbH, Porta Westfalica

NSM Magnettechnik GmbH, Olfen-Vinnum

Mess- und Regeltechnik Jücker GmbH, Dillingen

Vecoplan AG, Bad Marienberg

In addition, if they were obliged to prepare subgroup financial statements, the companies make use of the exemption provision of Section 291 of the German Commercial Code (HGB), since they are included as a subsidiary in the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements of MAX Automation SE, Dusseldorf.
MAX Automation SE publishes its Consolidated Financial Statements for the year and its Group Management Report in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger), duly exempting these companies from this duty.
Dusseldorf, 12 March 2021
The Managing Directors

Dr. Christian Diekmann  Werner Berens  Dr. Guido Hild Patrick Vandenrhijn 

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