Dependency Report

Statement on the report issued by the Managing Directors on relations with affiliated companies pursuant to Section 312 AktG

In the financial year of 2019, MAX Automation SE was a controlled enterprise, as defined in Section 17 AktG, of Günther Holding SE, Hamburg, Germany. The Managing Directors of MAX Automation SE have therefore prepared a report on relations with affiliated enterprises in accordance with Section 312 (1) AktG which contains the following concluding statement:

“We declare that, in the legal transactions and actions undertaken from 1 January to 31 December 2019 and listed in the report on relations with affiliated companies, the Company received appropriate consideration for each legal transaction in accordance with the circumstances known to us at the time at which the legal transactions were carried out or the actions taken or omitted. To the extent that the Company has been disadvantaged as a result, it has been granted a legal claim to an adequate benefit by way of compensation before the end of the financial year of 2019. The Company has not been disadvantaged by the fact that actions were taken or omitted.”

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